The first two, where do I start? The first two weeks were seriously some of the most challenging, yet rewarding, days of my life. No one can quite prepare you for how life with your newborn is going to be. But the first days, and weeks, were hard, frustrating, eye opening, stressful, and amazing all at once. It was wonderful having Taylor home with me and I was instantly amazed at how well he jumped into the daddy role and it made me so proud of him. Taylor has been such a huge help and calming influence through this whole has made me so proud and happy that he is my husband!
Zoe made it through a little jaundice scare her first week. We had to put her in the window and supplement with formula for a few days and she put on a whopping 5 ounces in one day and got back up to 8 pounds, 1 ounce so the doctor put us in the clear and said not to worry about the jaundice anymore. So that was our first hurdle.
After that it's been basically a trial and error of feeding and sleeping schedules. She's had a few rough nights and days and I'm still trying to figure out if she's getting enough breastfeeding, but around 2 weeks she started to get better and actually the past 3 nights she's slept almost 5 hours in a row and we've had to wake her up. So hopefully this won't jinx it but I think we've got a good sleeper on our hands...the key is just figuring out what it takes to get her to FALL asleep...that we're still working on. She definitely likes the car seat and Taylor can swing her in out and that works like a charm, she's also a fan of car rides and we even ventured out and had 2 lunch dates with Daddy that were big successes that she slept straight through.
Mommy's hormones have been a bit out of whack...they weren't kidding when people told me to expect random bouts of crying...but I guess that's not really out of the norm for me let's be honest! I'm a crier :) But Zoe will be 3 weeks old tomorrow, we go to the pediatrician finally and will hopefully get a lot of our questions answered, and each day is completely different so who knows but I do feel like it is getting easier!
Here's some pics to commemorate all the sweet visitors we had those first few weeks. We are so blessed to have so many friends and family to help out!
9 days old...and Mommy's beginning to feel normal again!
Papa C and Mamie
Aunt Dayna and Dee Dee with Parker
Whitley and Meagan Eppes
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